Our names are all over the internet since SHIELD I thought everyone knew them by now.. I listen. Theres a collective sigh of relief. Well dont, Matt snaps, not slowing his sprinting steps. He pauses when he hears one of the other rookies on the scene giggle. Good. Odds are Hawkeye wouldnt have remembered much about it anyway if not for what came next. Looked up a few files related to you for me., Fire races through Matt at Stark careless disregard for the law he loves and whose spirit he defends with his blood and fists. Who then complains to Foggy about damned vigilantes thinking Im their, I dont know, Jim Gordon or something., something Foggy finds hilarious. We we found this in your pocket when we pulled you out. He unfolds a piece of paper and Matt can smell the blood - his blood probably - on it. They might have the wrong idea but thats no excuse. Care to explain why youre here?, Call me Steve, please. Eileen Gonzalez: : All I hear is a sad trombone. Steves heart is hammering away too, almost sounding like a band of drums by itself. left kudos on this work! Im sure there was an issue of new avengers entirely devoted to him joining. Tony Stark. I got a friend who got a friend that works for the Avengers and he said theyre working on teaching him how to read. He was given an honorary Avengers card though during Fear Itself, where he saved squirrel girl and luke cage/Jessica Jones kid when the Avengers Mansion was attacked. Like neat handwriting has anything to do with intelligence. Again. Original.. Youre assuming you know best and its even worse than if you hadnt helped at all., To Matts surprise, Steve cuts Stark off before he can. It is the third television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Peter Parker, Matt Murdock and Wade Wilson all have a few things in common. Hes pretty sure hes the only person here getting the full story. No ones heartbeat spikes nor does any one of the seven people in the room address him, so Matt thinks hes managed it. Good question. Why does every cell in his body feel absolutely defeated because of a few simple words? Do could I get a name from you?. But it's not hard to figure out youre ah. Daredevil again? One cop asks, her voice unfamiliar. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. The hand on his back is moved to rest under his arm and Matt puts grateful weight into it so he can rise, moving his own hand to rest on Falcons shoulder. Besides, Foggy had read the funniest and most interesting files hed found out to Matt. Hell want to comfort Matt and as nice as that sounds. Brian Cronin: But yeah, it then ended on a wokka wokka bit. I need my hands to read a piece of paper and thats very obvious. Matt tunes out, aware Steves probably delaying his part of the debrief to try and keep him here for the whole thing. How about we let the good Captain get back to chewing you for risking your life over your damned pride., Steve sighs. His writing has been featured at ESPN.com, the Los Angeles Times, About.com, the Huffington Post and Gizmodo. Here's Why Netflix's Defenders Aren't in 'Avengers: Infinity War' Probably not but let me have my guilt. No more fine in my apartment. Home, he grunts and something warm ruses through the few bits of him that dont ache when it comes out a word. Matt can hear her requesting backup from a nearby Hydra cell - hers probably - and for a second he recognises the steady, calm drawl of the voice on the other side of the call, even with its note of panic. 1 (April 1964). But theres no way he can tell Hawkeye that. Matt knows the details of a city he cant help but hear and disappearing into its shadows is childs play. In fact, its better for Matts cover if they do think hes a complete idiot; a high school dropout barely capable of stringing two words together, who is better at fighting than thinking. Its fine. Shit. It should be chaos, body parts everywhere with Matt at its heart and exploiting them falling all over one another. We wait for ten minutes after the last car before we go in. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. Shit. I do try my friend. Hes certain no one but he would have heard Hawkeyes movements. He's been an Avenger before but generally speaking, tons of Marvel characters have been Avengers particularly since the turn of the 2000s (once upon a time it was controversial for characters like Spidey and Wolverine to be included on the time) and Daredevil is also typically presented as a character that doesn't really want to work with teams. There is crime going on everywhere, even in the real world. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book . Matt laughs. Hes clearly jumped to the conclusion that Daredevil saw the bomb and panicked, missing everything of importance. But were not judging. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? although I really should polish up the bits I have on my computer to post. Let him go., Relief floods Matt, followed by anger at the fact hes relieved. In their look at Avengers history, CSBG's Eileen and Brian see the Avengers celebrate their victory with Daredevil, but not getting his blind jokes. What did you say, Cap?. Why should I have trusted you?. Daredevil Meets the Avengers | Archive of Our Own Hes not lying. He takes a path that puts him behind Clint, relying on his abilities to help him sneak up on the archer. We have a problem, he says. ' Slowly it comes together and hes left standing - on shaky limbs but standing nonetheless. He reaches the doorway and pauses. religious interview questions and answers sharleen spiteri ashley heath. This is really hurting you, he says, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. His fingers brush the bottom half of the page and he pauses at the indents he feels there. , Good thing I work alone and dont need fixing., Why are you so hesitant? Falcon asks as he stands. I didnt realise Tony was going to be such an ass about it. Hes dead if he doesnt. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's - ScreenRant Captain, Matt answers, leaping onto his roof as the Captain closes his book and slips it and the pencil into his pocket. Is he working with the Avengers? Hey, I promise. And I can tell you, that aint it., But aint you heard, Sarge? the male rookie asks. Put it in there; thats easier. Matt pauses then adds, Only use one letter and youd probably be best off not using C. Ive already got a contact under that name., H it is then. Matt can hear the beeps of the buttons as Clint adds the number to his phone. Once an idea is out there, theres no stopping it. - are sitting on one side of a table, Falcon and the Black Widow at the other. Elektra Natchios, Marvel's newest Daredevil, has spent much of the past few years trying to make up for her past as an assassin . He's just going to have to grin and bear it. Please. Or or doesnt think hes up to watching her back capable of watching her back. He touches his ear and turns around, so hes not facing Matt. Stark hums in acknowledgement, as does the man by his side - his deep, thundering heartbeat has Matt thinking this is the Hulks human form - while Steve and the Black Widow nod in agreement. He needs to be somewhere else. And even more careful the next. Hes being ridiculous and vaguely sexist, she has information and this is the means to get it out of her. She should spot him in three, two, on-, Got you, she says, her voice echoing in his ear a moment later. Dodge, punch. Where are you? the Black Widow asks. It was only a moment after all, and hardly worth noticing. His suit is all over Foggys floor, lying wherever he threw it in his angry attempts to get it off while trying to explain to Foggy that yes hes uninjured and here for a reason other than help with patching himself up. He instantly realises its not aimed at him but the man hes currently trying to get a location from; whose stubborn refusal to talk has lead to the blood that currently coats his hands and the mans face; and the teeth littering the ground. Is there a plan then? Matt asks, cutting into Falcon and Hawkeyes fight over code names. Thanks. Thats enough! The room falls silent at the whistle and Matt can hear everyone shifting in their seats. They come in a variety of sizes and assortments like previous anniversary programs . So, he says after a moment of silence, if youre not hurt, why are you here?, The memory of what the Avengers said, complete with the icy fury burning in his veins, springs to Matts mind. What are you going to do with him?. So why the FUCK would I trust you, he roars, the devil finally crawling free and raising his voice, when you cant even manage to listen to me about my needs and my abilities.. Clint waves as he passes but doesnt move. Whats wrong? Which is interesting. Youre not allowed to say it. He stops and seems to consider for a moment. Matt Murdock has been the victor of some brawls with Wilson Fisk, but the Kingpin of crime isn't an enemy that can be beaten into submission. For a moment Matt considers telling Stark what he actually thinks, that its a piece of useless shit thats aimed at solving the wrong problem. Mr Matt Im blind and cant let them know it Murdock, Matt cuts in and Foggy hisses in realisation. With slow measured steps, Banner moves across the room to stand before Matt. Matt does the only logical thing he can think of. Its perfect., But- Matt. Matt ignores both voices until Banner reaches his side, placing both hands on his shoulders and trying to gently push him down. Its a miracle he managed to sound so calm. Instead hes been speaking with the steady but forceful voice he was trained to use in court, aware that a calm voice cuts far deeper than screamed words. He turns to Clint. I wasnt aware Id joined your team.. But every person in this room is well trained, and Matts barely managing to dodge the attacks hes facing. How many enemies does Matt have left? Weve got over an hour on it. Not happy with us.. Brian Cronin: I can imagine everyone laughing at Black Panther's comment and then a freeze frame, Eileen Gonzalez: : "A Miller-Boyett Production", Brian Cronin: I can imagine the audience first "Awwww"ing, Brian Cronin: At the comments about how they should have all stuck together in the first place. Will that help?. Stark sighs. And voila, he says, holding out something flat. A part of Matt wants to keep going, to ignore the man and keep patrolling, but hes very aware of Starks reputation as a stubborn son of a bitch. You dont do debriefs because you work alone and you only got out of the one last time you helped us because you took off on us.. And, despite what Foggy might think, Daredevil is just a mask Matt hides behind; a means to an end. Again he tries to figure out the arrows path and realises its stillaimed at the man at his feet. He listens, certain he heard, Yes. Warning: SPOILERS for Savage Avengers #7! Heard about what Stark did. But at least theyre not looking for him, unlike the Avengers who seem determined to talk. Its only then it dawns on Matt that Captain America took his word as absolute truth, without questioning him at all. Focusing, hes sure theres eight people in the room, two women and six men. Tony keep complaining about it - and hes not wrong. Look, we can get in no problem, Steve growls, tapping on a table - probably pointing at something? What do you need?. Matts not sure if thats from his split lip or somewhere else. Blood drips down his nose, falling to the floor with a relentless drip. I wasnt after subtle. Johnson, thats it. Almost. And Im not a doctor, not really. He can hear the groan and creak of old ships in his ribs but only one or two are grinding. Theres two seats left on the free side of the table, clearly an invitation for Matt. Emotional. But unlike with Brett, Matt never really sticks around to see them get his gifts as even months after the police purges hes still uncertain of everyone but Brett on the force. Whos they? Quickly Matt finds the beginning of the indents, not surprised to realise its a handwritten address, probably responsible for the bulk of ink he can smell. Coming up next, more breaking news on the Avengers dramatic showdown with Hydra at a bank in Hells Kitchen; including rumors that our local vigilante was seen at the scene. I can hear the engine if you focus, Got it. Tony, you let us know if more come later.. I don't really know much about daredevil and I don't know if Google even has the answer. If they all do, Matt can definitely work with this. My my problem?, Stark waves a careless hand. Words have no power, theyre only words. Nothing. Became Marvel's Biggest Triumph Yet. Thank you, Matt says softly as Banner moves past him. I fucked up, come save me. Once hes on a deserted roof, alone but for a couple of rats and a sleeping cat, he carefully pulls off his gloves and takes out the piece of paper. He has to go and get his confused thoughts in order. I think your theory might be right. So he lightly tosses Clint his phone. Ill answer to Mike if you have to, Matt drawls, to match Ha-Clints relaxed tone. It sets Matts teeth on edge. You wanna be a hero, you dont get to have a personal life. He sounds weary and defeated but Matt has to bite his tongue to stop himself screaming at him. Needed a symbol. He rocks a bit from the sudden spin but doesnt stumble. The concept is what if they made the Avengers but used 2000s Marvel chara. Matt waits thirty seconds, just long enough so that shes out of sight, before following.