Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. There were 5.4 million custodial parents who were supposed to receive child support in 2017, 1.2 million of which (22.2%) had family incomes below the poverty threshold. The matched cohort data also provided information on the proportion of those sentenced/cautioned that have a history of being persistently absent[footnote 110] from school, have a previous record of being permanently excluded[footnote 111] from school, or have received a fixed period exclusion[footnote 112], at any point during KS4. Figure 5.08: Median number of days from offence to completion, by offence group and sex, 2019. Personal crime is defined by the CSEW as comprising of all violence and thefts. As at June 2019, the female prison population was 3,800 and has decreased 3% over the last 5 years, compared to 78,900 for the male prison population (decreasing 4% over the same time period). Following past trends, females were disproportionately affected by all forms of intimate violence, according to CSEW data[footnote 13]. Figure 7.04: Age distribution of male and female defendants, England and Wales, 2019. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child. There was an increase in the number of females prosecuted for violence against the person offences. However, the proportion of senior staff who were female was lower than the proportion of staff at all grades across the CJS organisations considered in this section. , This section looks at all offence types. Throughout this report we refer to sex rather than gender, because the binary classification better reflects how individuals are generally reported or managed through the CJS. GillespieShields. Where a source is not National Statistics, users should consider this when making judgements about the weight that can be put on related findings. These proportions have remained stable for the last 5 years. Contrastingly, the HMPPS HQ (and Area Services) has a majority female staff, increasing to 59% in 2020. June 28, 2018. Consequently, there is a lower proportion of effective trials for females (43%) compared to males (50%). Figure 7.05: Proportion of children in the Criminal Justice System, by sex, England and Wales, 2019. All organisations within the CJS have increased female representation among senior staff over the last 5 years. In 2019, 60,800 cautions were issued, 78% to males and 22% to females. The proportion of females experiencing domestic abuse in 2019/20 was 7.3%, double that of males (3.6%). A BBC report suggested that in 2011 men accounted for just 8% of the UK's single parents. , Individuals self-harming rates are derived by 1,000 x (number of individual in year)/(average monthly population for year). Youth custody report for September 2016 published. Single fathers: UK statistics | Office for National Statistics | The Youth custody report for April 2016 published. Crime lower covers work carried out by legal aid providers regarding police station advice, magistrates court work and prison law. 4% of crime higher legal aid clients had an unstated sex. As at 30 June 2019, 13% of the sentenced male prison population were serving indeterminate sentences compared to 11% of the female population. Child Custody Statistics by Gender Who is most likely to be a custodial parent? See technical guide for more information. In the Crown Court, 90% of crime higher legal aid work related to male clients. The summary offences with the highest proportion of females among those convicted in 2019 were[footnote 115]: TV licence evasion females made up 74% of the 114,000 convictions in 2019, up 3 pp from 2015. , A permanent exclusion refers to a pupil who is excluded and who will not come back to that school (unless the exclusion is overturned). Violent crime was most prevalent in the 16-24 age group (Figure 3.02). , See the Criminal justice statistics outcomes by offence data tool in Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019 to obtain all statistics on prosecutions, convictions and sentencing quoted in this chapter. Overall personal crime rates continue to decrease from 2015/16. In the same period, 16% of court reports prepared were for females, a proportion which has remained consistent in the last five years. A copy of this statement can be found at: http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/statistics/mojstats/statistics-revisions-policy.pdf. TV licence evasion made up 30% of all female convictions, compared to 4% of male convictions. Detail how users will be informed of the need for revisions. The majority of female homicides took place in or around a house/dwelling (71%), whereas only 39% of male homicides took place here. , A first reception is a measure which counts a prisoners first movement into custody following a court hearing for a particular set of offences committed. The number of PNDs issued has continued to decline over the last 5 years, falling from 47,400 in 2015 by 58% to 19,800 in 2019. The median time from charge for first listing decreased for females (down 12%) but increased for males (up 15%). Higher proportions of females in contact with liaison and diversion services were suspected as having issues with alcohol misuse, had financial needs and were abuse victims. The following section discusses child offenders at different stages of the Criminal Justice System. Data mentioned can be found on the page linked. Time Method View help for Time Method Figure 7.10: Proportion of young offenders who finished Key Stage 4 in either 2013/14 or 2014/15 with Special Educational Needs without a statement, by gender and disposal category (Source: Table 7.3). Criminal legal aid consists of legal advice and representation provided to people being investigated or charged with a criminal offence, covering police stations, prisons, and the courts. Among both adult female and male offenders, the reoffending rate was highest for those aged 35 to 39 at 30.4% and 34.4%, respectively. A higher proportion of young females were suspected as having issues with alcohol misuse, were identified at risk of suicide, self-harm or harm through personal neglect and in need of accommodation, education, employment or training. Conviction ratios were higher for summary offences and as a higher proportion of female offences were summary, this in part explains the higher conviction ratio for female offenders. In 2019, 50% of PNDs were paid in full, and 35% resulted in a fine for late payment. , Remands data in this section are based on the Crown Courts decision on whether a defendant prosecuted for a criminal offence, should during the court proceeding go on to be placed in custody or released on bail. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Findings from a recent data sharing exercise between the MoJ and the Department for Education (DfE) are presented here, with analysis on a matched cohort of those who were in Year 6 in either 2008/09 or 2009/10 and who were aged ten at the start of those academic years[footnote 91][footnote 92]. (Office of National Statistics) 1 in 3 children - nearly 4 million in total - live without their father. Report and data for March 2018 published. For example, 83% of mothers receive custody of their children in divorces. A higher proportion of males were proceeded against for indictable offences (22%) compared to females (10%). This chapter explores outcomes for defendants in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) predominantly drawing on data from the Criminal Justice Statistics quarterly: December 2019 publication. Female representation among court judges continued to steadily increase, similarly to the last five years (28% in 2016; 32% in 2020). As at 30 June 2019, 5% of the prison population were female, this proportion has remained stable for the last 5 years. For females, this was followed by strangulation, asphyxiation (17%), and, for males, hitting, kicking, etc. (18%). This difference is likely to be linked to the greater seriousness of offences typically dealt with at the Crown Court. These statistics concentrate on the flow of children (aged 10-17) through the youth justice system in England and Wales. In homicides with victims under the age of 16, where the principal suspect was identified, 31% of suspects were the parent (males: 21%; females: 42%). , PSRs provide information to the court about the offender and any circumstances surrounding the offence, to help decide on a suitable sentence. A huge 40% of married American households feature a woman who is a primary breadwinner, but only 3% of American spousal support arrangements are paid to ex-husbands. The difference was greatest amongst those receiving fines, where a greater proportion of young females attained this level (22%) than the young male group (15%). Similarly, in just over half of all . To allow for variable changes in headcount throughout the period considered, the sexes are best considered in terms of proportions of staff rather than absolute numbers. , The detailed results of the survey can be found in the offenders under supervision or in custody tables. Crime higher concerns legal representation in the Crown Court and above. A higher proportion of female defendants were not remanded by police, which may be due in part to the different types of offences for which females and males are prosecuted and hence the risk they are perceived as representing. Child Support - Census.gov Documents fulfilling this requirement have been published since 1992, in the form of statistical information. These data comes from the Child Support Supplement to the April 2018 Current Population Survey (CPS). In 2019/20, 7,002 prisoners completed the survey of which 694 were female. They represent experimental statistics and tables on this data are provided in the accompanying overview tables. Police station advice and magistrates court representation constitute the majority of the total crime lower work load (97%). Father-headed households 400,000 families were headed by lone fathers in 2012, representing 13.5% of all single-parent households in the UK according to the Office for National Statistics. Figure 4.05: Number of cautions issued, by sex, 2015 to 2019. They have been excluded from all analyses in this chapter. The largest percentage difference is for drug offences which have a median offence to completion that is 47% higher (49 days) for females in comparison to males. It draws upon published extracts of human resources records for the police (2019/20), Ministry of Justice (MoJ; 2018/19), Crown Prosecution Service (CPS; 2018/19), Her Majestys Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS; 2019/20), magistracy[footnote 119] and judiciary[footnote 120]. A contributing factor is the greater availability of females when an enforcement officer visits the home[footnote 116]. , Source: GCSE and equivalent results: 2013 to 2014 (revised) National tables: Table 3a: GCSE and equivalent entries and achievements of pupils at the end of key stage 4 by type of school and gender. , Data from Nature of Violent Crime, England and Wales: year ending 2019 (appendix tables), Data on victims of Domestic abuse in 2019/20 is discussed in more detail further into this chapter. A greater proportion of female offenders are sentenced for offences that tend to receive shorter sentences. This proportion was 5 percentage points lower than the proportion of adult females that were prosecuted for indictable offences, at 15%. In this section any analysis is conducted where the gender of the offender is known. For each age range from 21 and over, males consistently had a larger number of prosecutions (approximately three times more). Finally, children from broken common-law unions (84 percent), as well as children from Quebec (87 percent), were most likely to remain in the custody of their mothers, and there is possibly a link between these two results. , Fast Delivery PSR (written) Normally completed on day of request and must be completed within 5 days. This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019. There is no published data available on Fixed Penalty Notices by sex. This can be explained by a 7% rise for females and a 4% fall for males between 2018 and 2019. It is our intention to develop and test a new methodology that maintains our high professional standards and ensures that accurate, consistent series are available to all. Instances of self-harm per individual was over twice as high for females at 9.3, compared to 4.4 for males. It should be noted that because children comprise less than 10% of all offenders prosecuted for an indictable offence (where sex and age of the defendant is known), trends should be interpreted with caution. For both young males and young females that received a sentence/caution in the matched cohort, over half received FSM. Following prosecution, defendants found guilty are subsequently convicted and sentenced. , The cautioning rate is the number of offenders who were given a caution divided by the number who were either cautioned or convicted (excluding summary motoring offences). , These are sourced from linked magistrates courts and Crown Court administrative data systems with a match rate of around 90%. Male homicide victims had higher prevalence in all age groups, except those over 65, and 5-15, where females were more often the victim. The custody rate for this offence was lower for female offenders (19%) than for males (26%). Youth custody report for September 2014 published. These proportions have remained constant over the last 5 years. This reflects the difference in relationship to suspect in cases for men and women with women much more likely to be killed by an acquaintance. Single Fathers Single Mothers And Child Custody Statistics Here are a few examples, per the U.S. Census Bureau's 2020 study: 41.6% of custodial mothers are 40 years old or older. There are also sections covering statistics on out of court disposals which come from the Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019, published by the Ministry of Justice, and experimental pilot data from national Liaison and Diversion services, as supplied by NHS England. Between 2015 and 2019 there was a rise in proportion of defendants electing to be tried at the Crown Court, up 7 percentage points for females and 8 percentage points for males. Figure 7.02 Conviction ratios for indictable offences by sex and ethnic group, England and Wales, 2019. Figure 7.09: Proportion of young offenders who finished Key Stage 4 in either 2013/14 or 2014/15 who receiving Free School Meals, by gender and disposal category (Source: Table 7.2), Special Educational Needs (SEN)[footnote 104]. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Data is not available for Community Rehabilitation Companies. , Indictable offences are more serious offences that may (if triable-either-way) or must (if indictable only) be passed on to the Crown Court; while summary offences are typically less serious and almost always dealt with entirely in magistrates courts. Other increases included a 3 percentage point increase in both magistrates and HMPPS (excluding probation) to 56% and 40%, respectively. In the absence of any court outcome, the principal suspect is either the person considered by the police to be the most involved in the homicide or the suspect with the closest relationship to the victim. Figure 6.01: Prison population, by sex, June 2015 to June 2019. At 53%, oral fast delivery PSRs[footnote 53] were more common, especially for females (females 60%, males 52%), while standard PSRs[footnote 54], which are given for more serious offences, were much less common and were given proportionally more often to male offenders (4%) compared with female offenders (1%). Prosecutions for indictable offences for females have decreased by 29% since 2015, from 48,000 to 33,800. Youth custody report for July 2016 published. Youth custody report November 2017 and youth custody data for November 2017 published. Therefore, to ensure comparability across year, these forces have been excluded from the calculations for the year on year change. In 2019, 341,000 females (26%) and 968,000 (74%) males were formally dealt with by the CJS, either by an out of court disposal (OOCD) or court proceedings. Penalty Notices for Disorder (PND)[footnote 32] issued. This includes those aged under 18 and 18 year olds. , Self-declared from HR records, for serving magistrates, as at 1 April 2020. Figure 8.02 Change in female prosecutions for indictable offences, by offence group England and Wales, 2015 to 2019, Figure 8.02: Summary offences with the highest proportion of female convictions, England and Wales, 2019. Young females had higher levels of FSM eligibility across all disposals, except for fines, compared to young males. The Truth About Father Bias in Family Courts - Everyday Feminism In 2019, the number of individuals who self-harmed per 1,000 prisoners was 335 for females and 148 for males. An oral report is usually completed within 24 hours of conviction where a limited amount of information is required by the sentencing court. 20 divorce facts for 2020. The highest frequency rate was observed amongst female offenders aged 30 to 34, at 4.83, whilst for male offenders, it was highest in both the 30-34 and 35-39 age groups, at 4.44 reoffences per reoffender. In 2019/20, 640,000 arrests were carried out by police in England and Wales, which has remained stable over the last 3 years following a previously downward trend. There were some differences between the gender groups at this attainment level across all disposals. The main source of referral was the police, accounting for 60% of male and 68% of female young people. , Statistics on case management come from Criminal Court Statistics. A first time offender is an offender who has been arrested by police in England or Wales; and who has received a first conviction, caution or youth caution for any offence[footnote 87] recorded on the Police National Computer. Five-year time series refers to 2014/15 to 2018/19. Errors in our statistical systems and processes. The custody rate for this offence was 14% for females and 34% for males in 2019. As discussed in Chapter 5: Defendants, in 2019, 26% of individuals[footnote 113] prosecuted in England and Wales were female[footnote 114]. A higher proportion of females also reported having a child under 18. More females experienced two types of abuse (18.3%) than males (13.5%), often including domestic stalking. The total number of defendants in 2019 including those who fail to appear, companies and where gender is unknown was 1.44 million. , In 2019/20, the CPS moved from annual reporting, in the Violence Against Women and Girls annual report, to quarterly data. Fraud by failing to disclose information females made up 50% of 281 convictions in 2019, down 1 pp since 2015. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This chapter reports on the trends in the composition of staff and practitioners throughout the criminal justice system (CJS) by sex. Youth custody report and data for January 2018 published. Likewise, only slight changes have been seen since 2015 regarding female representation in CPS staff (65% in 2015; 66% in 2019). , Analysis of attainment data focuses on those sentenced/cautioned that were at the end of KS4 in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 academic years. Figure 6.02: Proportion of prisoners serving immediate custodial sentences by sentence length, sex, June 2019. A higher proportion of female prisoners self-harmed in 2019. The proportion of PNDs issued to females was stable at 22% until 2018 when it fell to 19% and then to 18% in 2019. Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse
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