I am ok, just extremely sore from that! I have the cookbooks but am wanting breakfast and snack ideas not in the cookbook. Jun 04, 2019 @ 20:51:50. Trader Joes Dried Mandarins These are so delicious! I recently read that they don't like you to use the canned no salt added tomato products because of the way they treat the can. Lots of Hugs as Always, made by Dole and some cashew and almond bars. HI all, starting LID on 1/13 and I think I have most of this down except a few commercial product questions. Girl Scout Cookies Thanks-a-Lot Several Girl Scout Cookies are LID-friendly. Some Daiya cheese substitutes contain sea salt, but some do not. I am finding that the opposite is true, I am having a hard time keeping my sugars up enough because my endo does not want my sugars below 90 but so far I am barely there!!! Im assuming it was good since you posted all of these items. Oct 01, 2021 @ 20:23:05, First, I am sorry that your Thyroid Caner brought you to this point. Just started my diet two days ago and finding this has been a life saver!! Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? After that grandpa wanted another smoke so we walked out so he could have a smoke and get that "load" off his chest so to speak :) He walked with us up to the valet service and waited until the car was brought up. Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. I have been to Whole foods, and Wal-mart, on my way to Trader Joes to see if they have any there. This diet will be so hard on him but with your help, I think I can make it alittle easier. Jul 15, 2019 @ 02:04:12. First time looking at your site. I dug out my back pack and started filling it up with things I thought I would need for a long day in Seattle! Change). I am a mediocre cook at best so making my own foods for the next 2 weeks is going to be rough. 75% cacao. Purchased at Whole Foods. I worried about the salt or possible exposure to excess iodine, but since the meat did not taste like it had salt or seasoning at all I figured I should be pretty safe :) I had 16 days left before my RAI and I don't think that little bit of exposure if any will do much harm at least this far out :) I hope I am right! I could use the site to look up LID-safe items on my phone while I was grocery shopping. Also Enjoy Life chocolates, almond butter and grape jelly. There are several Kens salad dressings that are suitable for LID>. So, I hope I am not out of line by posting this but I was kind of hoping that you all might share some of your "yee-haw, I can eat this" snack/food ideas that you discovered you could eat while on the LID. t" and several Thyca Inspire folks have talked to the manufacturer who state the salt is iodine-free. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I hope LID got to be a little easier for you. The company does not use iodized salt in the products that contain salt and they do not use carrageenan. This blog was a time and life saver!! My husband with diagnose and we are starting his LID diet. David Sunflower Seeds These are a great salty snack. Thank you for this post. My husband recently had his five year check up and lab work and he remains CANCER FREE! I think I will deserve comfort. I found Muir Glen makes a salt-free basil flavored canned tomato sauce and I picked up 2 cans but would love some feedback on if it is ok from other people's experience. Both probably have more but I had limited time to shop. recipesforsustenance thanks is iodine bad for us survivors? Finally around 12pm the anesthesiologist team came in to prepare grandma and she was wheeled off to the operating room around 12:30pm. I am starting the lid again Monday and I saw on a post that trader Joe's has a butter spread that is approved. Here is a quick run down of the items so that if any one is near these stores they can run out and get this stuff too! I have honeyed cashews and they are a great snack This is a link: https://lidlifecommunity.org/countries/usa/usa-foods/usa-breakfast/usa-other-breakfast/#jp-carousel-8956. Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (differentiated), Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2), Mental challenges of living with thyroid cancer, ThyCa fundraising and thyroid cancer research grants, http://www.traderjoes.com/about/index.asp, https://www.inspire.com/groups/thyca-thyroid-cancer-survivors-association/discussion/no-iodized-salt-in-trader-joes-brand-products/. Also, some food suggestions help too. I think I was so hypo the first time I made a few mistakesNow that I'm doing my 6 month WBS I guess I'll find out how bad those mistakes were! Their organic fruit leathers are good too!! I hope all goes well for your husband. Her cardiac team came in before hand several times to go over the surgery with all of us there (grandma, grandpa, mom, me and a family friend) and told us to expect her to be in surgery at least 3 hours but anywhere from 3-4 to be on the safe side. Thank you so much for posting this!!! And Jaime Milan, EatingWell's digital news and lifestyle editor, can't resist picking up a bouquet on her weekly grocery run. I went to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods and was able to find a bunch of great stuff that is really LID friendly. Based on what I have read, there is a lot of information available about LID diets, but quite a bit of information that my doctor did not address with me, and some conflicting information. Egg white with water for the wash. Matza meal with my salt, paprika and onion powder for the dredgecooked in a little hot oil. Can anyone help? My iodine level didn't drop enough when checked via blood work. I also like their Organic unsalted tortilla chips! Thyroid cancer support group and discussion community. Im doing my 3rd round of LID in 3 weeks, going on 5 years cancer free but theres still traces. Im glad I found this site. So yesterday went shopping at 2 great (albeit pricey and sometimes hard to find) grocery stores and boy, I did good. Your hard work on this was greatly appreciated. And, I'm taking the advice the radiologist gave me--"Don't freak out if you accidentally have something with iodine in it". I had one for a snack on day 4 :) I ended up taking a lot with me, but I had no idea how long we would be there so I planned out so I would be covered until late last night :) I packed banana chips, apple chips, unsalted tortilla chips from Trader Joe's, fresh strawberries, "cuties", unsalted sunflower seeds, hard candies, Kosher salt (non iodized of course) in my salt grinder, my pepper grinder, garlic powder, lime juice and a couple other seasonings, an avocado to make guacamole, a knife so I could cut my avocado and bottled waters :) . I used Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites to make omelettes, migas, and scrambled egg whites. Best wishes!! Hang in there, mama. We get home and at my moms/grandparents I needed to fill my mom's pill box for the week so she could take her pills. Aug 19, 2019 @ 21:33:47. i that what is thyca patients should do? Other brands, such as Eden for example, say No Salt Added, but have kombu seaweed added (so stay away from those). It is very hard to find foods that are okay on LID. Lots to choose from i made lots of baked garlic fries with their russet potatoes and their ketchup is so good! I think So Delicious has a soy-free, LID-safe style cheese substitute. Best wishes to you, as well. I researched as much as I could to learn how to benefit from this temporary diet. To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. It is made from mangoes, papaya, oranges, brown sugar and habanero peppers. However, it's likely very safe for the LID. I tried to be as strict with the LID as possible. I ate pretty much only items from Trader Joe's brand that didn't have sea salt or dairy. recipesforsustenance Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:43:52. traders joes great place to find items for low iodine diet. I recently had a totally thyroidectomy and am now starting the LID in 2 days. I used this coffee creamer to make Overnight Oats and was really happy with the results. Between 2008 and 2012 I purchased all my dairy products there because they were cheaper than the regular grocery store. She made it through surgery now the healing process can begin and he can be by her side again! Publix Country StyleHashbrowns Peeled potatoes are allowed on LID. Trader Joes Coconut Creamer I like this coffee creamer better than the So Delicious brand. Fed ex 2nd day (wonder what that would cost?) SO good that I'm planning to continue with these products and a few others found at other stores such as: Daiya brand cheese shreds, Kirkland's Dark Chocolate Super Fruits (at Costco) and a product called Just Mayo. Kitchen Basics Unsalted Beef Stock this stock is delicious. Also, it was easier once I figured out that the vast majority of food products do not contain iodized salt. recipesforsustenance Second thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your research and phone calls. and I know from inquiries Unilever & Frito Lay do not use iodized salt. Oreos are his favorite (dipped in milk of course) but he will be happy to just have the cookies at this point. Here is a link: http://www.conagrafoods.com/our-food/brands/fleischmanns-margarine-spread. Does anyone know what it is? On my way for my second dose of RAI (higher dose). Trader Joes Tuscan Pane Bread although many of Trader Joes breads do not have dough conditioners in them, most contain sea salt. Oct 11, 2015 4:24 PM. Have thyroid cancer and gonna have to have treatment and do this diet, recipesforsustenance FYI, this bread doesnt contain salt or dough conditioners. Im not a big beer drinker, but I did use Shiner Bock to make beer bread. recipesforsustenance Soybean oil and soy lecithin are allowed on LID in moderation. This product does contain sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). So Delicious Coconut Coffee Creamer Original This is the only non-dairy coffee creamer that I have found that doesnt have sea salt, soy, or carrageenan. Please be aware that there are no laws and no FDA guidelines that would prevent them substituting iodized salt. Hello all real quick question. potassium iodide is the iodine in iodized salt. Rice Noodles I found these rice noodles at an Asian Market. The amount varies by typeof rice and where it was grown. I know there was a cream that was nondairy and LID safe, for coffee, in the freezer section in whole foods but I don't remember the name. Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown Rice Iodine occurs naturally in rice. Oh that's great LIamdig! Planning ahead for LID helped me a lot. There are many ways to consume iodine unknowingly. Trader joes made it so easy to find good tasting iodine free items. Best wishes! Milan says, "It's such a nice treat to start off a new weekand they're usually always under $7!" ? Hard to believe you can have bacon on LID. LID Life Community is a good resource and may give you some food ideas. Stick to the guidelines and you should be fine. No red dyes. Feel crappy AND not eat comfort foods? Far better than last year's LID diet. I am sooo tired of oatmeal :o) Will be using after the LID. 3g sugar. I followed the guidelines from thyca.org (http://thyca.org/download/document/229/Cookbook1pgEng.pdf). She got the intubation tube out last night and came off the breathing machine!!! (Didn't think to ask.) Its a brand new bed bought at christmasIt has a water proof bed lineris it safe or should I sleep on an airbed? Thanks for all the info! Has anyone eaten "conventional" ground beef on the diet? They are also a bit sour so it helps with the salivary glands. Missy Sutherland Cadwell : ), Bernita Fraliex I feel like I'm eating too many carbs and not enough protein. Rice is also very low in iodine. But Im just eating a lot of basmati rice, unsalted French fries, baked potatoes (not skin) unsalted tortilla chips, unsalted pretzels, Hellmans Vegan Mayo, Hash browns, and egg whites. All feedback will be appreciated. One nice thing is that if a TJ item is made with Sea Salt it says so on the label, if it says Salt as an ingredient it is non-iodized. Also, grom what I learned and researched, LID can/does make a difference. I think chocolate is on a lot of do-no-eat lists because it oftentimes contains milk products (think milk chocolate). Jan 19, 2022 @ 11:56:42. The only ingredient is coconut. 18 g whole grain. Once grandma had been wheeled off for surgery, the rest of us went down to the cafeteria to have lunch. Sea Salt contains naturally occurring iodine and sea salt will be disclosed when used. Fruit With the exception of rhubarb, you can eat any fresh (or frozen) fruit. Score: 4.2/5 (55 votes) . RAI Kite Hill Almond Milk Cream Cheese Style Spread a vegan, soy-free cream cheese alternative that does not contain iodized salt. Jul 04, 2017 @ 16:11:44. It many not be a ton of food but it was nice for me to find a handful of things that I could eat/snack on.