The following three reports are listed under the Status Messages - Audit category. Example of SCCM ready made chart: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. If your site has numerous deployments, filter the list to just application deployments. Displays total site data replication traffic on a specified link for a specified number of days. The following 12 reports are listed under the Status Messages category. Displays a graph showing monitor, computer, and user activity for a specified collection over a specified time period. Displays the number of Configuration Manager clients installed by site code. Status Not open for further replies. Displays errors received while sending wake-up packets to computers for a defined period. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. . Displays a summary view of the client push installation status for all sites. Displays a list of resources that are in a specified state for a specified package and program deployment. . Displays computers, managed by the Software Licensing Service, that include a specified product. Open the template file, click Cancel if it asks you for the Power BI account or just sign in if you already have an account. The following three reports are listed under the Company Resource Access category. View a list of computers on which a specified product is detected. Displays executable files that users recently used on a specified computer. The major objective of these posts is to reach out to the audience who are working as Support team members as SCCM Admins in their organizations. The Report provides output as- 1. Displays the number of users in each domain. Displays a list of computers that have hard disks of a specified size. Displays a summary of all instances of software installed and registered with Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features on computers within the specified collection. If no record is returned, the task sequence hasn't started on the computer. Historical: View all software inventory for a specific machine. Displays state migration information for a specified computer. Displays a summary of the compliance of configuration items in a specified configuration baseline. T here are no default reports that can display results for each collection member. You deploy an application to all users that sign in to a computer. The SmartDeploy Client automatically scans and reports the Windows Update status for every endpoint in your environment. On the General tab, give the new task a name, e.g. Displays a summary of the progress of all task sequences. This SQL Query will help you use IIF syntax and declare the states accordingly (In the last post, we used When and then syntax). These are sample reports that you can install in Configuration Manager. Displays detailed information for clients that have failed to deploy. I am passionate about learning and implementing new technologies. Here is a list of these built-in reports: List of reports - Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs Currently working as a Project Test Manager for a global Pharma client supporting different streams within Modern Workspace project for the build, configuration, testing and implementation of Windows 10 for Autopilot, Citrix, JAMF & SCCM. Identifies and displays computers that have a specified item from the Microsoft Volume license ledger. Displays all mobile devices with their specified amount of free program memory. Error: The client failed to deploy the application because of an error. Refer to the following documentation to understand the basic. The configuration item must be deployed to a device or user. Displays a summary of computers matching keyword filters. Displays a count of instances for specified software packages installed and registered in Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features. Displays a list of component messages for the last 12 hours for a specified site code, computer, and component. To create a Pivot table for the status tab, click on the Insert>>Matrix>>Matrix Wizard. Displays a list of computers excluded from the power plan. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Monitoring workspace, and select the Deployments node. Within SCCM you can create, simulate and monitor the deployment of an application to a device. Displays software titles that users haven't used during a specified period of time. Displays the list of mobile devices that were recently successfully wiped. Select the site for which you want to configure the summarization interval. Displays the number of computers that have accepted task sequences, but haven't run the task sequence. Displays information about the processors installed on a specified computer. Displays executable programs that users recently used. Displays the progress of all deployments for the specified task sequence. Select the CM_MEM database from the drop-down menu. With the Introduction of Applications in SCCM since the 2012 RTM version, a lot has changed, new features have been introduced, now most the organizations follow to create applications instead of Packages and achieve their requirements easily, but one thing that has become difficult for Admins is the reporting (SQL queries). OS 3. I used different KPIs to measure update compliance and the report combines all that into one dashboard. Displays a list of all software metering rules at the site. Displays the number of computers inventoried by operating system and service pack combinations. Computer Name 2. PowerShell and SQL server. Displays all computers in a collection that have a specified compliance state for a software update. The report calls for a number of detailed inputs to run. Displays the differences between the software inventories reported for two specified computers. Identifies security, administrative, and compliance vulnerabilities for a specific computer. Highlight one and click "OK". Right Click on your database CM_XXX and click on 'New Query'. Displays the number of computers inventoried by each sound card type. It will return data for each deployment of the application, giving you the names of the deployment types and the targeted collections, as well as the status of each . Displays information about a specified distribution point group. Displays the number of computers inventoried by processor speed. Displays detailed information for clients that have successfully deployed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Displays the number of modems inventoried for each modem manufacturer. The following five reports are listed under the Hardware - SCSI category. This report requires that you enable the software metering client setting. Displays summary information for all application deployments. Displays a list of devices with attributes reported by Health Attestation Service. Select your update deployment in the top pane, and the bottom pane will populate with some . Use the right-click menu on either a group of clients in a Category or a single client in the Asset details pane to display the client notification actions. Historical: A summary of software distribution for a specific advertisement and machine. Viewing Deployment Status. These clients must have an assigned fallback status point. If you need to see more items, use Configuration Manager reports to review application status data. For example, the Error compliance state includes the following subcategories: When more than one compliance state applies for an application deployment, you can see the aggregate state that represents the lowest compliance. United Kingdom. The CM process is widely used by military engineering organizations to manage changes throughout the system lifecycle of complex systems, such as weapon systems . Displays software titles based on matching of all specified custom label criteria. The following six reports are listed under the Software Updates - C Deployment States category. Displays information about the network adapters installed on a specified computer. Requirements not met: The client didn't run the application deployment because it wasn't compliant with a dependency or a requirement rule. Displays a summary view of the client push installation status for a specified site. Displays a list of the computers that a specified version of a product is inventoried on. Displays a count of products that have their licenses managed by the Software Licensing Service. Displays a summary of the most recent 1000 status messages for a specified server component. Displays all computers with specified software installed. Highly-experience technical professional with vast programming language skillsets. Displays a list of computers with a specified threat detected. Displays information about users and devices that have apps installed that aren't compliant with a policy you specified. Displays a list of computers running Remote Access Server. Displays a list of computers that failed within a specified group/phase of the specified task sequence deployment. The following six reports are listed under the Network category. Displays information about all the issues reported by clients. Displays a graph showing CO2 emissions generated by a specified collection over the past 31 days. Goal-oriented professional offering over 11 years of experience in Windows Desktop Support, System Administration, Vendor Management & Troubleshooting<br> Proven skills in end-to-end management of IT operations from strategy to implementation involving requirement analysis, scheduling, tracking, system study, designing, testing & debugging<br> Visited the United Kingdom twice for . Displays detailed information about each client that runs the HTTPS Communication Readiness Tool, and reports to be either capable or incapable of communicating over HTTPS. Learn how your comment data is processed. Based on research, Configuration Manager supplies many built-in reports covering many of the reporting tasks that you might want to do. Displays usage details for installed applications. Displays all computers in a specified enforcement state for a specified software update. Displays detailed summary information for all application deployments. To configure the default application deployment summarization interval: In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and select the Sites node. Figure 1: Main update compliance dashboard. Displays summary information about the sound cards on a specified computer. It also lists the agents that discovered them. This post is locked. The amount of memory to check for is specified in MB. Displays a list of computers and IP information for a specified IP subnet. Displays a summary of states for a specified software update targeted by a specified deployment. Devices that are managed by the Exchange Server connector aren't included.