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A hazard can be any possible source of danger on or near the road that could lead to a crash, and it can come from any direction. To secure a load safely you need to make sure it is: restrained tied firmly down to the load bed; and contained it cant move around (shift) inside the vehicle. Many parked cars on our left. Again pedestrians on the left. Fleet safety is a shared goal. A good rule of thumb is to add an extra second of following distance to the recommended three seconds for most drivers. Getting behind the wheel without proper training can result in accidents, injuries, and workplace catastrophes. If you are caught driving with a build-up of snow or ice on your vehicle or injure another road user with ice or snow that falls from your vehicle, you will be fined. Lots of traffic markers. This presents a risk of falling from height.Securing loadsUnrestrained loads can increase the risk of vehicle rollover and load spillage, and risk the life of the driver and other road users. While some ice is noticeable, black icewhich occurs when ice has thawed and re-frozencan be hard to spot. Speed: your speed should not be too fast for road and weather conditions. This feature is designed to prevent you from entering an unsafe speed while you travel downhill or on uneven terrain. As with rain, drivers must stick to their low-beam headlights as high-beams may cause glare and worsen visibility. Entering into a school zone. This is where the shovel comes in handy. Boards or tree branches will work well. Down is more dangerous. If a driver is not paying attention, it may be easy to lose control. The height of a fall may not be great but the risks are significant because of the working environment, whichinvariably involves hard surfaces such as concrete kerbs.Coupling of vehiclesIt is normally necessary for the vehicle driver to stand between the tractor unit and the trailer when connecting compressed air lines that serve the trailer brakes. Looking for pedestrians. Be alert for large trucks and buses that may be going too fast. What systems should be in place for managing work related road safety? It is not only shared between the driver and the company, but with everyone else on the road. If glare is coming from the left-side window, remember that most visors are detachable on one end and should be able to pivot and block peripheral light. Steering and counter-steering should be done three to five times while braking. Keep doing it until you feel the wheels grip the pavement. Looking amongst the parked cars. An acceleration skid may occur if your drive wheels lose traction. Dont let a traffic ticket affect your driving record or insurance rates. 13. Person getting out behind a car. Vehicle approaching. Further training as necessary in the actual workplace. Dealing with the vehicles coming towards us. Pedestrian, may be conflict here. Again many cars parked. If this happens, pour water over the engine and fuel lines and only attempt to restart the vehicle when it has cooled. Looking on the footpaths, scanning between the cars. HIABs) to load or unload vehicles can be hazardous.Working at heightThis can be an issue when working on a loading bay or perhaps the trailer or tail-lift of a vehicle. Organized into an easy-to-follow checklist, this information can be printed off and revisited as often as needed; you may wish to read through it again before taking your car onto a freeway. Defect reportingprocedures should be clearly set out. The need for drivers to demonstrate that privately owned vehicles are only used for work purposes if they are insured for business use The need for drivers to hold a licence for the type of vehicle they use and for periodic checks on the validity of that licence. Driver training options, e.g. Glare can be worsened by moisture and dirt accumulation on both sides of your windshield, so be sure to clean the outside and inside regularly. Car approaching on the right. When driving on particularly slippery surfaces you should avoid sudden changes in speed or direction, as this may send your vehicle into a skid. Mapping out your trip in advance will minimize stress and ensure you do not miss vital exits on the freeway. Of all the adverse weather conditions you may have to deal with while driving, fog is the most dangerous. There may be barriers, cones, heavy equipment, temporary signs, signal lights and workers in the roadway, prior to, during and beyond work sites. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. A great deal can be done to minimize the risk of being involved in a highway accident though we cannot eliminate that risk altogether. Multilane carriageway. Wet weather always makes driving more hazardous. Bus shelter. The State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 20102022, Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Identifying hazards when driving through business areas, Identifying hazards when driving through roadworks, Identifying hazards when driving through school zones, Identifying hazards when sharing the road with other road users, Identifying hazards when driving through suburban streets, Identifying hazards when driving as night is approaching, vehicle merging into your lane or stopping suddenly in front of you. In foggy conditions, you may not be able to see pedestrians, other vehicles, road signs, road markings or obstacles. All rights reserved. Another pedestrian crossing. Copyright 2023 ePermitTest. What to Do: If youre in deer country and its dark, you can try flashing your headlights to get a deers attention. 7. Many parked vehicles. Pedestrian on our right. You will be the first one to receive the latest updates and announcements.. Be aware of your downhill speed. It is likely that much of the performance data will be reactive,Organisation and structureAll affected by the driving at work policy will need to understand their responsibilities and be equipped to fulfil themLegal responsibilities of individuals on public roadsEven when a vehicle is owned by a company, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that it is used in a legal and roadworthy condition rests with the individual driver. An overinflated tire can cause the side tread to leave the surface, leaving only the center tread in contact with the road. Winter or summer, the sun sometimes has a way of shining through your windshield just the right angle to effectively blind you. Dislodging it while the vehicle is in motion is dangerous, so prevention is key: Make sure your mat is the right fit for your vehicle, is snapped in place if that option is available, and that you haven't stacked mats on top of each other. Car waiting to pull out. Many large vehicles on our left. Headlights should be switched on to improve visibility and make sure your vehicle is seen by other road users. Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. List the ways in which forklift trucks may overturn? Always pay attention to the speed limit. Water on the roadway that is more than a few inches deep is extremely dangerous and must be avoided. A floating vehicle may be swept off the roadway into a deeper body of water. Flashing light up ahead on the right. As you are about to enter a decline, reduce your speed below your feature's activation threshold. Hydroplaning or Skidding Out of Control Skidding or sliding of cars occurs when there is a lack of friction between tire and road. This is a steep grade mountain coming down into Denver on I-70. This feature works with your vehicles existing braking systems to block you from going past a certain speed while traveling downhill or on unsteady terrain. Head on collisions happen for a multitude of reasons from distracted driving to drunk driving to fatigued driving and more. Many shadows from trees, eyes need time to adjust. When parallel parking, you should select a space that is __________ as long as your car. This blog discusses 15 common road hazards and the best ways to prevent them. Always use low-beams in this situation, as high-beams will reflect off the moisture in the air and cause glare. Other road hazards like fog, deer, and road-hogging commercial trucks never seem to take a break. Where such risks exist it may be necessary to install convex (i.e. Car braking in front. Pedestrian crossing in front of us, allowing for that. If youre pushing the brake pedal and nothing is happening, you need to take immediate action. That's especially sound advice for a good part of the country, as the winter season means more driving perils, including poor visibility, snowbanks, and ice. Never use cruise control on a wet road, as your vehicle may accelerate if tires lose connection with the asphalt. Going over the crest of the hill. A wax stripper found at automotive stores can erase that residue, clearing your windshield and allowing your wipes to make better contact with the glass. This data can then be used as a training tool to aid the driver in becoming safer on the road. While some tires may pick up a stray nail or sharp object and deflate slowly, others lose pressure suddenly. Following the car downhill. Understanding how this occurs will help you regain traction in an emergency. When your rear wheels skid, this is known as oversteering. No vehicles passing us on the left. May duck across in front. Scanning ahead, car changing lanes in front of us. Read your owners manual.) Maintenance of vehicles brakes; flashing beacons and horns; steering; tyres; leaks from hydraulic pipes; and correct operation of the vehicle.Choice of vehiclesVehicles should be appropriate for the work that is being carried out. Adult and child on the footpath. Car waiting to turn right. Parked vehicles on the left. Entering into a bend. Motive builds technology to improve the safety, productivity, and profitability of businesses that power the physical economy. Multi-lane road. Person crossing the road up in front. Looking down the hill, pedestrians on our right. Check your tire pressure at least once a week, especially in winter, when the pressure can drop. Checking that. Downhill driving can be unpredictable and dangerous especially if its an extended decent, even on multi-lane roads. Youre a sitting duck there, Solomon says. Some versions of this feature will operate while traveling downhill in reverse, such as reversing out of a driveway that was built on a hill. And as bad as it may sound, it will be even worse if they survive the impact. Traffic lights up ahead. Car entering on our right. Chad discusses driving issues truKkers face on some U.S. highways where hard braking and cornering triggers a warning on the ELD. Which of the two options would you choose? Commercial fleets save up to 13% on fuel costs, study shows. Nearly all states have chosen to discourage dangerous driving around high-risk work zones by increasing or doubling the fines incurred by traffic violations. Watching the green light. licence entitlement for class of vehicle, ongoing competence assessments); and any risks that might be specific to individual drivers or their driving circumstances (e.g. Fueling. Gently pumping the brakes may help during front-wheel skids, by shifting weight forward onto the front tires. There are three factors contributing to this. When you are going down, gravity works against your intent to slow down . He shares some of his best tips for driving safely: Chad posted a poll on his Facebook group, Rate Per Mile Masters, asking his followers (mostly owner-operators) about the best ways to prevent collisions when cornering or going downhill. More Traffic and Driving Hazards Statistics. Allowing for children that might ride out/step out. defensive driving courses, off-road driving for forestry workers. What to do in the event of vehicle breakdown, bad weather conditions and/or any other delays that might occur. Prohibition of the use of handheld mobile phones if driving Frequency that breaks from driving should be taken, e.g.15 minutes in every two hours or every 100 miles The factors influencing the choice of vehicle and, if appropriate, the drivers input to that choice, e.g. What to Do: The big mistake people make with a sudden loss of pressure is to hit the brake and stop to save the tire, Solomon says. First, you need to activate your hill descent assist, which is typically found somewhere on your dashboard near your vehicles traction control button. . Low to zero-visibility, freezing temperatures and extremely slippery roads make blizzards the worst weather conditions for driving, by far. Reduce your speed and keep to the right-hand side of your lane, as it is common for drivers in this situation to drift too close to the centerline. Hydroplaning causes partial or complete loss of steering and is a risk when water accumulates on the roadway. Drive with two hands on the wheel, put your emergency flashers on, check your mirrors, and get over to the right shoulder of the road if at all possible, Solomon says. Traffic lights are still green. A fleet safety solution that gets results. Improper Maintenance. After a heavy snowfall, you might return to your car to find the wheels surrounded by snow. Snow, ice, fog and heavy rain are all likely to significantly affect journey times but are also direct contributory factors in many vehicle incidents. If youre behind one, they can make it difficult to see whats ahead. Looking through the corner. It may be a legal requirement to use them in certain situations. Watching the van, keeping an eye on that. Do not start a journey if the fog is so thick that the way ahead is completely obscured a few feet in front of your vehicle. Drivers moving through a roadway work zone will come across unexpected road signs, signals and traffic control measures. If you have standard braking, keep your foot entirely off the brake. A. drivers in the city B. drivers maneuvering abruptly C. drivers who are alone.+ D. more than one driver Watch the speed when carrying a heavy load. But if it suddenly turns warmer, make sure to let the air escape. Governors Highway Safety Association publishes a list of states that have distracted driving laws, as well as information about the dangers of cell phone usage while driving.Details regarding individual state laws have been summarized by the Governors Highway Safety Association.These summaries and lists are updated often, so be sure to double check to make sure you have the most current . 16 percent: Use lower gears and jake brake to avoid burning out your brakes, 5 percent: Use runway truck ramp if you cant slow the truck down, 4 percent: Go slower than the posted truck speed limit, 1 percent: Double, or in some cases, triple your following distance.